Thursday, January 20, 2011

great week so far...and Saturday is gonna be awesome!

I've been good at following my training schedule with 45 minute rides Tuesday and today, with yoga on Monday and tomorrow.  Monday's yoga was fun as it became a competitive sport between myself and Jim.  I kicked his bum!  It is so weird being that person, I've never been better than Jim at anything physical before.

It was nice last night to be able to attend a genealogy lecture by Karen Krugman @  She does a great job and it's nice knowing a fellow misplaced genealogist (especially from Georgia and Florida).  Now I am really looking forward to getting some research time in...gotta figure out when though.  I am out of time this week as parents, brother and in-laws are coming up for the weekend to celebrate Jeremy's 4th birthday!  So I guess I should quit writing this and get cleaning.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention. If I ever get to Georgia again & you need anything just let me know... Also I do have quite a few of these GA genealogy books here... Happy to check on a few things for you!
