Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sorry it's been a while

10 days since my last post and in that time I aged yet another year.  I didn't get good ride time with the family here - yeah yeah I'm blaming you...I was supposed to do the Ride of Silence today in memory of all the cyclists hit and killed on the roadways.  So since I planned on riding of course it rains!  I'm really getting tired of this and am really starting to believe I am a hex on the weather.  Well I am now planning on going out on Friday evening which all weather reports are saying should be nice so we can test the theory.

Since the official rain date for the RoS is on Saturday and I have to work, I did my time tonight on the trainer.  I moved it from the basement to the garage so that I can easily put the bike on on rainy days and off when it's nice.  I've got less than 2 weeks until the Tour de Frankenmuth and I am so excited!  I'll make my 40 miles and then come home to company feeling more than accomplished (assuming I can keep the house cleaned).  I'll write again Friday and let you know how far I made it.  I am hoping to ride until dark so depending on when I get out there I should be able to get in some good mileage.

On another note, I made a playlist of motivational songs - songs that get me moving etc.  Doing the Time Warp on the bicycle is rather entertaining and Chop Suey is great when you've got a little pent up anger.

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