Sunday, May 29, 2011

I Did It!

What a perfect weekend capped off by a great feeling of accomplishment!  When I originally signed up to ride the Tour de Frankenmuth Grand Fondo, I was just hoping to survive.  I was encouraged by the fact that it was an out and back ride so therefore if I needed to turn around before my mark I could.  I signed up for the minimum of 40 miles and my longest ride to date had been 30 back in October.  My nerves were running high.  I also saw that on Saturday they were having a kids race and Jeremy wanted to participate so we got up in the morning and got moving to make it there by 10.  As soon as we got to town we noticed a ton of stuff happening.  Of course they were holding the bike races so we joined up with the race crowd, got Jeremy signed in and waited for his race.  He competed in the 4-6 year old category.  There were 3 older girls (6ish) riding with out training wheels and 3 littler ones riding with training wheels.  Jeremy was fastest amongst the children with training wheels.  Of course every kids got a prize and he is soooo proud of his stuffed chicken (it's a Frankenmuth thing).  After his race we went for lunch and then drove over to the Bavarian Inn to check in.  After we checked in we went to the pools for a was fun to just have a day of playing in the pool for the 3 of us.  When we were done there we walked over to RiverPlace to get fudge...low and behold they were having the Dog Bowl.  There were more dogs there than I had ever seen in one place.  They had competitions for Dock  Jumping, Frisbee Routines, Agility, Sheep Herding and other smaller races.  We got to pet one of the biggest dogs I have ever seen as well as one of the smallest.  After that we made our way back to the hotel to play arcade games and mini golf.  When we finished golf we ate dinner and then made our way outside to watch a Hot Air Balloon Glow.  Turns out that there was a Hot Air Balloon race in town too.  For the glow there were two balloons inflated and the rest of the baskets were blowing their flames, definitely one of the neatest things to see.  Finally it was time to turn in for the night.  We got back to the room and crashed hard!  I was a nervous wreck so I didn't sleep well, but I did sleep enough.  I woke at 6:30 so I could eat breakfast by 7, left the room at 7:30 for an 8:00 start time.  Like I said earlier I wasn't really expecting to make all 40 miles and if I did I just wanted to keep it under 3.5 hours.  I was extra freaked out that a) this was my first time back on the roads after Brad's accident and b) there was a categorized climb which means - steep for at least a km.  The good thing was the cat 5 climb was at the beginning (6 miles in) and that would mean going down it on the way back.  After the climb it was very flat, i decided to push it to the 20 miles and then turn around for my full 40.  The final 6 miles were the hardest because Frankenmuth is much more hilly than Port Huron.  But I did it  - all 40 miles and in 3 hours 10 minutes...well under my goal of 3:30.  After I finished I met up with the boys to load up the bike and head on home.  We got here and I finally got a shower!  Then Jim's family came up from OH and we went down to the Feast de St Clair festival.  All-in-all probably the busiest weekend I can remember but also the most enjoyable.  I am so happy I did it and hope to be able to make it an annual event.

Thanks for reading all this...just had to share.  For photos check out my FB page after Monday.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Good Weekend

As I mentioned before I planned on riding on Friday, which I did...and the weather held out!   But I think I found my break point...I had done the Biggest Loser workout on the wii on Thursday night and then spent all day Friday walking the zoo with Jeremy and then I rode for 2 hrs. and got in 25 miles and boy that was enough...I needed Saturday to recuperate.  Saturday was perfect weather - of course since I had to work but Saturday Night was great fun.  The 3 of us with some friends went to watch the Blue Water Derby Girls.  A friend of mine from work is on the team and we've been to all their home bouts.  It is so much fun!  Not at all what I remember growing up - this is real sport and these women are tough!  Sunday morning we took it easy and then our friends from Sarnia came for a's has been too long since we got together last.  After they left I loaded up the bike and headed back to the trail.  I put in another 2 hours and 25 miles.  It's amazing how good I feel when I'm done.  Jim was telling me a story last night about the drummer for the band Rush and how he had some tragedies in his life and he just got on his motorcycle and left...I don't remember how long he was gone but it wasn't just days - it was months or years even.  When he came back he explained that we humans are soothed by motion - take for example babies and how they fall asleep in cars.  He was soothing himself by riding all across the continent.  I too find all my worries fade away when I'm on the bike.  Just something to ponder...get moving people!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sorry it's been a while

10 days since my last post and in that time I aged yet another year.  I didn't get good ride time with the family here - yeah yeah I'm blaming you...I was supposed to do the Ride of Silence today in memory of all the cyclists hit and killed on the roadways.  So since I planned on riding of course it rains!  I'm really getting tired of this and am really starting to believe I am a hex on the weather.  Well I am now planning on going out on Friday evening which all weather reports are saying should be nice so we can test the theory.

Since the official rain date for the RoS is on Saturday and I have to work, I did my time tonight on the trainer.  I moved it from the basement to the garage so that I can easily put the bike on on rainy days and off when it's nice.  I've got less than 2 weeks until the Tour de Frankenmuth and I am so excited!  I'll make my 40 miles and then come home to company feeling more than accomplished (assuming I can keep the house cleaned).  I'll write again Friday and let you know how far I made it.  I am hoping to ride until dark so depending on when I get out there I should be able to get in some good mileage.

On another note, I made a playlist of motivational songs - songs that get me moving etc.  Doing the Time Warp on the bicycle is rather entertaining and Chop Suey is great when you've got a little pent up anger.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Great Mother's Day

Sun is shining, hubby is doing yard work, kid is playing next door and I am taking some time to relax.  We have a tradition in our house of pancakes on Sunday mornings which I always make (sometimes with help from little hands).  So I was surprised this morning to be served pancakes in bed!  After enjoying a leisurely breakfast we had a nice calm, slow morning.  I waited for the temp to hit 60 and then headed out to the Fort Gratiot Trail where I put in 22 miles.  There were lots of families out on rides/rollerblades/walks and since the trail is only 5 miles I passed a number of them a number  of times.  I heard one mom encouraging her daughter telling her that "look she's passed us 3 times, keep working and you will be able to too."  Wow - what encouragement!  I also saw my friend Jen out with her daughter which was great, she was pulling the trailer which is very hard work - so good on you Jen!  Now maybe some time for genealogy research.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Yeah Spring

Finally it's getting nice outside.  I have yet to be able to get in a long ride but I have taken Jeremy out to the Fort Gratiot Trail 3 times.  He has impressed me by doing 5 miles!  I am hoping to be able to get in a long ride on Sunday.  I did pull him to the library today for a total of 7 miles and it was a lot easier than I expected.

I have given myself an even earlier goal - 40 miles on Memorial Day Weekend.  I can't wait.  Jeremy told me today that he wanted to do the kids race on the day before...still thinking about that.

Anyway, have a great one!