I have officially signed up for the Tour de Frankenmuth on Memorial weekend - said I would ride the 130 miles. It's gonna be hard, but looking at the course map, the return route (65 miles) seems to be generally on the decline side of things so that should help. I have been riding Sundays at Finish In Time and for the last 2 weeks I have been the cyclist who pedaled the longest...maybe not farthest since some of these guys keep their cadence really high. I think we are going to invest in a Garmin 800. It's an awesome device and when I get home from rides all I have to do is plug it into the computer and my map/mileage/heartrate/speed and all is right there! This week I am starting to work on core strength as well as riding the Vision Quest training dvd's I have. I'm actually holding a plank pose longer than I thought I could!
Well any way - I hope that you enjoy reading this and this year I will succeed in my century mark - and btw ya'll help Jim to remember to get me a "Century" sticker for the van and/or shirt.